Darwin's Dragons
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Welcome to Oak's class page. Here, you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work! Please visit again soon to follow our learning journey across the year.
Useful information
This term, PE will be on Monday and Thursday. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
Home learning
Reading - Please read to an adult at home at least three times each week. You can find comprehension questions to use at home here.
Spelling - Complete the weekly spelling assignment set every Wednesday on Spelling Shed. You can find further spelling resources here.
Maths - Complete the weekly maths homework set every Wednesday on ClassDojo.
Times tables - Practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars at least three times each week.
Mission jigsaw - Choose one or more of the mission-linked activities to complete at home. Please submit photos of your work on ClassDojo to share with the class!
Items to bring in daily
- Water bottle
- Packed lunch
- Reading book
- Appropriate outdoor clothing
Items to leave in school
- Pencil case
- Wellies
Term 6
Our whole-school theme: Legacy
Our class mission question: In what ways have the Stone Age and Iron Age contributed to our lives today?
Inspired by Syms' extraordinary discovery in Darwin's Dragons, we've invented our own dragon species and written detailed non-chronological reports to describe their appearance, habitat, diet, behaviour and special abilities. We've worked hard to use the language of experts and now we're publishing our reports ready to be included as entries in a class 'Dragonpedia'.
Inside history
This week, we spent our Wednesday Mission Day exploring the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods of history before heading up to the Iron Age Hill Fort with Michael Gorely from Historic England to find out which ancient Britons lived locally and where.
Spear-throwing contest
We took part in the best of the ancient Briton games we invented earlier this term - the throw a javelin through a hoop in a tree! Everyone really took on the idea that they were ancient Britons aiming to catch a much-needed delicacy using their best spear-throwing skills!
Discover twenty-six spectacular species in our dazzling 'Dragonpedia'...
How does light travel?
On our last ever Friday with Mrs Camp, we spent the day exploring the science of light. We proved that light travels in straight lines and we made some complex shadow puppets to investigate the relationship between light sources, objects and shadows.
Term 5
Our whole-school theme: Our Diverse Planet
Our class mission question: Why do giraffes have long necks?
Mission accepted!
To launch this term's mission, 'Why do giraffes have long necks?', we competed in a house quiz that tested our knowledge of life on Planet Earth. We also brushed up on our atlas skills, revisited climate zones, enjoyed reading 'The Story of Life' and loved sharing what we already know about evolution. We now have lots of questions that we're desperate to answer!
Darwin's Dragons
We’re reading the action-packed Darwin's Dragons by Lindsay Galvin to enhance our mission and inspire some sensational writing. It tells the thrilling story of Syms Covington, cabin boy and fiddler aboard Charles Darwin's Beagle. When Syms becomes separated from the crew during a storm, his life takes a truly extraordinary turn... We've read Part One and we're already hooked!
Brilliant biomes
We worked in groups to research the five major types of biomes: aquatic, grassland, forest, desert and tundra. We collated all of our research into giant posters which we'll be presenting next week before creating our own biome booklets.
Forest craft
We spent a sunny afternoon in our wonderful woods learning how to use a bow saw safely and efficiently in teams of three. Next week, we'll be using palm drills to bore holes through our log slices ready to decorate and hang.
Fire day in the forest
We had a marvellous morning building fires, baking bread and making sticky s'mores. Yum! We were in our element - no pun intended... Thank you to our Forest Leader, Miss James, for organising such a super session!
Big up blow up!
We've been exploring graffiti in our art lessons this term and today we tried "blow up" lettering. We had lots of fun developing our own style, before applying our expert blending skills and using shadow to create a 3D effect. Take a look at the super cool results...
Our biome booklets turned into spectacular double-page spreads...