Autumn Pumpkin Trail
Get Your Tickets Here -
This half term come and have a meander through the village and Cotswolds Way and see if you can spot all the pumpkins!
Solve the secret letters puzzle to enter into the prize draw and win some goodies!
Come in fancy dress and enter into the competition by uploading your pics to SOPPAS Fort private FB group!
Maps available to buy outside school at pickup on Fri 23rd Oct @ £2 per person and entry into competition!!
Sweets £1 & pumpkins £3 also available to buy on the day!
Very important - we cannot give change so please come with right amount or more if you would like to donate!
HOORRAYYYYY - AND ITS NON-UNIFORM DAY 23rd OCT - Pop your £1 into the bucket on the way into school!
We have an event target of £300 so that the whole school can receive a very special educational activity next term!
We can do this - get involved, have some fun and please please donate!