Welcome to Sycamore's class page. Here, you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work! Please visit again soon to follow our learning journey across the year.
Useful information
This term, PE will be on Wednesdays with our external coach, Liam. Please come to school wearing your PE kit (white top and black shorts/joggers) on these days. WE will be swimming at Yate leisure centre on Mondays so please remember your swim kit.
Home learning
Reading - Please read to an adult at home at least three times each week. You can find comprehension questions to use at home here.
Spelling - Complete the weekly spelling assignment set every Thursday on Spelling Shed. You can find further spelling resources here.
Times tables - Practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars at least three times each week.
Mission jigsaw - Choose one or more of the mission-linked activities to complete at home. Please submit photos of your work on Class Dojo to share with the class!
Items to bring in daily
- Water bottle
- Reading book and reading record
- Appropriate outdoor clothing
Items to leave in school
- Pencil case
- Painting shirt
- Wellies
Term 4
Our mission question: How did the Romans change life in Britain?
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Mission jigsaw Y34 How did the Romans change life in Britain.pdf | Download |
Term 3
Our mission question: What is underneath our feet?
In writing this term, we have been looking at the book the Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. After discussing the chilling events on the opening pages, we identified all of the wintery words and phrases chosen by the author to describe the setting. We then had fun using chalk to draw trees from the great, dark forest where Ivan lives.
Number day!
On Friday 7th February, Sycamore class dressed up as 'Times Table Rock Stars' to celebrate the NSPCC's Number Day! We had lots of fun doing maths games and activities throughout the day. I think you'll all agree that they all looking rocking!!!
Geologist visit
We were very lucky to have geologist Mr Long visit our class this week. He captivated us with his knowledge about volcanoes, rocks and fossils.
Rock testing
We learnt about three different types of rock: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We explored different rocks and used either a rub or a scratch test to see which rock would be the strongest for a new paved area.
Term 2
Our mission question: How did the ancient Egyptians show their beliefs?
Name | |
Spelling Stage 4 Term 2.pdf | Download |
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Spelling Stage 3 Term 2.pdf | Download |
Some of our year 4s took part in bike-ability cycle training. They learnt how to check their bikes are safe and learnt to cycle safely.
Egyptian cartouche
In history, we learnt about the importance of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone and how this lead to being able to understand Egyptian hieroglyphs. We created our own cartouche with our name and discovered it is enclosed so the Gods would protect the person whose name is inside.
We learnt about how the ancient Egyptians mummified bodies. We mummified a child in the class removing her organs: stomach, intestines, liver and lungs and put these in canopic jars to preserve them. Through her nose, we pulled out the brain and disposed of it as the Egyptians didn't think it was important! We created our own double page spread about the mummification process.
Bristol Museum trip
We loved our trip to Bristol Museum to look at the Egyptian artefacts. We also took part in a workshop where we got to handle real and replica artefacts.
First Aid
As part of our PSHE this term, we learnt some basic first aid. We learnt about asthma, bleeding and how to make a 999 call. We enjoyed learning how to put a person into the recovery position and learnt how to perform CPR.
Term 1
Our mission question: What makes Europe special?
Sycamore class have been enjoying learning to play the recorder in their music lessons
Scooter training
Year 3 took part in scooter training this week. They learnt how to check their helmets fitter correctly and that their scooter's components were working. During the practical part of the lesson, they learnt to ride safely using their brakes and with awareness of others around them.
Life skills
Today, the life education tent visited school. We were very excited to see Harold and his friends. Sycamore class learnt about having a healthy mind and keeping their brain active.
In English, we have been reading The Barnabus project. We wrote poems linked to the story