Welcome to Hazel Class page. Here, you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work!
Useful information
PE this term will be on Monday and Tuesday. Please could the children come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Home learning
Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times per week. We will change your child's reading book every Friday.
Items to bring in daily
Water bottle, lunchbox and waterproof coat
Items to leave in school
Wellies and change of clothes bag (labelled clothing items)
Term 3
This term our theme is Under the Sea, we will be taking a look at the animals that live in the seas and oceans and learning through exciting activities like craft projects, sensory activities, and interactive games offering a hands-on approach to understanding the world beneath the waves. In phonics we will be moving onto the Mastery teaching for Phase 3. We can’t wait to see you for an exciting chance to participate in one of our Drawing Club sessions this term!
Drawing Club
Hazel class had such a lovely time welcoming their families into class to showcase our Drawing Club sessions. We really enjoyed being able to share this learning experience demonstrating our teaching strategies and sharing our imaginative thinking!
Collaborative Learning
Hazel class have very much enjoyed having Oak class children join us this week to help us learn about the creatures that live under the sea! They have shared researched facts about sea creatures and supported Hazel to create their own 3D models or sea creatures in their habitats! Oak class we are proud of how well you displayed our school Values of Compassion and Respect while listening to Hazel class children share their ideas.
Learning to Add and Subtract
We have been practicing logging on to NumBots with our new school passwords. We can't wait to share these with you at parents evening so that the children can continue this fun learning at home!
Term 2
In Term 2, Hazel Class will continue with our phonics programme, moving onto Phase 3. We will be introducing Drawing Club as a way of extending their creative thinking and sharing ideas using mark making! We would love for you to share any celebrations with us on Dojo this term to help support our theme - Let's Celebrate! Please do share any photographs from Bonfire night, Fireworks events, birthdays and any other celebrations for the children to discuss with their friends in class.
Salt dough decorations
Hazel class have rolled and cut their own salt dough shapes and decorated them with glitter to use as decorations!
The Christmas Experience
Hazel class really enjoyed their trip to church this morning to watch a nativity performance by Year 6 and engage in a craft activity with support from their Year 5 buddies.
The Gingerbread Man
This week our Drawing Club story was The Gingerbread Man. Hazel class have mixed ingredients to make their own gingerbread people and decorated them! Delicious!
We’ve been really busy with our phonics learning this week! Hazel class have been writing common exception words and digraphs in words. Look at our fantastic letter formation in our writing!
Forest School
In our forest sessions this term, Hazel class have really enjoyed using clip boards and pencils, going on quests to hunt for items on their lists! We’ve identified different mini beasts and leaves, using our mathematical knowledge to find and represent numbers 1-5!
Let's Celebrate!
We’ve started our new term with a ‘bang!’ with our new theme of Let’s Celebrate! Hazel class have been busy using all of their creative skills using language in recalling past experiences. Remembering and talking about significant events in their own experiences! Take a peek at our fire work, bonfire and Rangoli art work!
Term 1
In Term 1, Hazel Class have enjoyed learning how to use their environment and how to become independent learners. At Old Sodbury, we encourage our pupils to share their interest and we use these ideas and interest to inform our planning. We like to provide lots of opportunities for 'sticky knowledge' so that children can feel confident in their learning and remember all the exciting things they have experienced.
We are learning how to become Artists in Hazel Class. We have mixed colours to carefully create our skin colour. We have also looked closely at our features in a mirror, noticing our eye colour and hair colour.
Settling into school
We have been busy exploring our learning environment both inside and outside. We have enjoyed building new relationships with our adults and our peers too.